November 7, 2022 - 6:00 pm
November 7, 2022 - 8:30 pm
Hamilton Hotel 1001 14th Street NW, Hamilton Ballroom Washington, DC 20005 View map2022 Annual Meeting and Installation of Officers
You are cordially invited to attend the 2022 District of Columbia Academy of Family Physicians (DCAFP) Annual Meeting & Installation of Officers which will be held in-person on:
- Monday, November 7, 2022 at 6:00 PM
- Location:
Hamilton Hotel
1001 14th Street NW, Hamilton Ballroom
Washington, DC 20005
The DCAFP will be hosting a Convocation ceremony for members who have earned the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) Degree of Fellow at our Annual Meeting. We are honored to have Dr. Karen L. Smith, AAFP Director, officiate the ceremony. The program will begin with a cocktail reception at 6:00 PM, followed by our installation of officers, and CME.
We would like to thank our members for their dedication to patient care, teaching, service, and scholarship by recognizing your accomplishments. This is an opportunity to learn about the DC Chapter activities, meet the AAFP Board Director, and support the candidates for positions on this year’s DCAFP Board of Directors.
RSVP requested by October 31, 2022
- Are you a student, resident or fellow who presented a poster or case/paper at a local/regional or national conference in 2021-2022? If so, consider presenting your hard work during the annual DCAFP meeting during the cocktail reception. Please send your name, contact information, where the research was presented, and an abstract to info@dcafp.orgby October 31.
- Did you or a colleague recently receive a local/national award, or were recognized by your peers or department? Please allow us to announce your accomplishment. Please email info@dcafp.orgto let us know.
2022 Annual Meeting and Installation of Officers