The District of Columbia Academy of Family Physicians (DCAFP) received a grant from the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) National Research Network (NRN) to provide education and training in opioid use disorder and substance use disorder (OUD/SUD). In collaboration with the AAFP National Research Network (NRN) and the Opioid Response Network (ORN), the DCAFP will coordinate the educational offerings.
Opioid Response Network

Opioid Response Network
Opioid Response Network (ORN) provides training and technical assistance (TA) via local experts across the country, focusing on applying evidence-based practices in prevention, treatment and recovery to meet locally identified needs.
On-demand Training Modules
In collaboration with Providers Clinical Support System (PCSS), the DCAFP is pleased to offer a four-module curriculum for non-prescribers called “SUD for the Healthcare Team” to our members. To access the training, create a profile in the learner management system by using the following link:
The “SUD for the Healthcare Team” can be taken together or separately and each includes:
- 1 hour CE (1 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
- 1 Nursing Contact Hour
- 1 AAPA Category 1 CME credit
- 1 SW CE credit
- 1 pharmacy CE credit, and
- 1 Interprofessional Continuing Education credit)
“Funding for this initiative was made possible (in part) by grant no. 6H79TI081968 from SAMHSA. The views expressed in written conference materials or publications and by speakers and moderators do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the Department of Health and Human Services; nor does mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.”
The District of Columbia Opioid Response Network Data Brief
This data brief describes ORN’s technical assistance (TA) efforts, including training and education, in the District of Columbia.
The Opioid Response Network Helps You Help Others
The opioid and stimulant crisis has strained the entire healthcare system and demands an array of solutions. ORN has brought together hundreds of addiction specialists and over 45 national professional healthcare organizations to support healthcare providers. All for free. Contact ORN to see how they can help enhance your efforts.
Visit OpioidResponseNetwork.org. Funded by SAMHSA.
Free Education and Training from the Opioid Response Network
Even some of the most equipped organizations have found themselves overwhelmed by the opioid and stimulant crisis. If you are among them, ORN may be able to help. ORN has brought together hundreds of addiction specialists and over 45 national professional healthcare organizations to help healthcare providers and provide evidence-based practices. Contact the ORN today to see how they can help enhance your efforts.
Visit OpioidResponseNetwork.org. Funded by SAMHSA.
How ORN Works - Submitting Requests
OUR WORK FOCUSES on providing education and training.
Think of us as your temporary agency for education and training. That’s how we help, and its all at no cost to you. We help you help others.
- Those seeking education and training should submit a request form on our website by visiting OpioidResponseNetwork.org
- Your request will be forwarded to the designated Technology Transfer Specialist (TTS) for your state/territory. The TTS is your point person!
- Once the request form is submitted, you will be contacted within one business day to discuss your needs and next steps.
- Not sure what you need? Email orn@aaap.org